Saturday, November 10, 2012

Idiom dengan Warna

Idiom Menggunakan Warna

Banyak warna digunakan dalam idiom Bahasa Inggris untuk menggambarkan perasaan.
Berikut adalah beberapa contohnya.

1. To see red- d) = sangat marah.
2. Green with envy- a) iri

3. To feel blue- e) sangat sedih bisa juga “be blue.”
4. Yellow bellied- b) penakut
5. Tickled pink- c) sangat senang.

Contoh Kalimat
  1. Jessica was seeing red when her computer suddenly crashed.
  2. When George brought home his expensive car, his neighbor Bill was green with envy.
  3. After Susan’s boyfriend left her, she felt blue and cried all the time.
  4. He was a yellow-bellied cowboy. He always ran away from a fight.
  5. John asked Nancy to marry him. He was tickled pink when she said yes.
Coba cari yang lainnya!

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